Café Hermina
Typical czech breakfast
How do Czechs usually have breakfast? Most often alone, with some bread and cold cuts.
How about making a small change and having breakfast with us sometime? We're open as early as 6:15 AM!
Our Menu
Discover the magic of our cuisine - carefully prepared dishes and drinks that will delight your senses. From fragrant coffee to delicious desserts, our menu is an invitation to a little escape from everyday life.

Typická Česká snídaně
Jak snídají Češi? Nejčastěji sami a dají si pečivo s uzeninou. Co takhle udělat někdy malou změnu a posnídat u nás, klidně už od 6.15 hod.
A co je v nabídce teplé a studené české snídaně?
1) Česká „vaječina“ Míchaná vajíčka ze tří vajec– samostatně, na cibulce, na cibulce a slanině/šunce.
2) Vaječná omeleta se šunkou a sýremZe tří vajíček, šunka, sýr.
3) Snídaňový mix sestavený na přáníUzenina, sýry, vajíčko, máslo, marmeláda, zelenina, ovoce
4) Párky „kdo i jeden spolyká, těžko už si odvyká“Vepřové nebo telecí, hořčice, kečup, křen.
5) Sladká variantaVánočka, plněná kobliha, Honzovy buchty.
Pečivo dle výběru – světlé, tmavé, bezlepkové. Další nabídka studené kuchyně přímo v kavárně.
A Little About Cocoa – Why Drink It?
Cocoa beverages offer a unique taste and the healing power of spiritual traditions from indigenous cultures. It can easily replace coffee, nourish the body, and brighten the mind. Historically, cocoa originates from Central and South America and is closely linked to the cultures of the Olmecs, Mayans, and Aztecs. Today, the largest cocoa-producing regions are in West Africa (Ivory Coast, Ghana, Cameroon, and Nigeria).
Cocoa tree flowers are pollinated by only a few specific insect species and are open for pollination for just about four days. After six months, the ripe fruit, about 20 cm long, is protected by a thick, tough shell in beautiful shades of yellow, orange, red, or purple. Inside, there is a sweet white pulp containing 20-50 purple seeds—cocoa beans. To give you an idea, one cocoa pod produces enough beans to make 3-4 bars of high-quality chocolate.
Ceremonial cocoa contains:
Healthy fats, antioxidants, proteins, minerals, and vitamins
Supports mental and physical recovery
Strengthens the nervous and digestive systems
Boosts happiness and positive emotions
Provides stimulation without caffeine’s side effects
Enhances creativity and focus

"When the essence of a tea leaf touches the heart"
Join us on a tea adventure with the BOTANICO TEA’S collection—Energy, Health, Chill, and Sleep.
BOTANICO TEA’S is a trademark built on extensive experience in growing, producing, preparing, and enjoying tea worldwide. The first global Botanico tea collection was introduced in 2017. BOTANICO TEA’S offers a wide selection of carefully chosen herbal leaves, delicately blended with exotic fruits, and packed by tea masters from around the world.
We wish you an unforgettable tea experience with Botanico Tea’s!